Adverse Reaction Tracking (ART)
The Adverse Reaction Tracking (ART) program provides a common and consistent data structure for adverse reaction data. This module has options for data entry and validation, supported references for use by external software modules, and the ability to report adverse drug reaction data to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

- Documents patient allergy and adverse drug reaction data.
- Provides the functionality for other VistA modules to extract and add patient reaction data.
- Provides a reporting mechanism that supports VHA Directive 10-92-070 which specifies reporting of adverse drug reactions to the FDA.
- Includes ART event points in an Application Programmers Interface (API) allowing other VistA packages to know when specific ART events take place so package tasks can be performed.
- Alerts the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee each time the signs/symptoms are modified for a patient reaction.
- Generates progress notes. Displays all information at the time of an ART event on the Progress Notes API and allows editing of the note prior to sign off.
- Allows the site to track whether the patient has been asked if he/she has allergies.
- Tracks when the patient chart and ID bands have been marked indicating a particular reaction.
- Differentiates between historical and observed reactions.
- Tracks the particular signs/symptoms for a reaction.
- Allows for configuration of allergy files.
- Allows for editing and verification of reaction data.
- Allows for the addition of comments for each reaction to ensure completeness in reporting.
- Contains extensive reporting capabilities.