Car Rental System
The GTI Infotel solution for the Car Rental Industry is based on state of the art, web based technology and integrates our GPS system for the car rental industry with our Tracking software to give car rental owners and managers tools that improve productivity and lower operating costs. Our system lets you view your business in real-time on your dashboard with quick access with drill down functionality. It easily integrates with external applications and has an intuitive, user-friendly navigation.
Process Overview of   Data Flow

Powerful, Sophisticated    Rate Engine

How will you increase your    Revenue
- GTI Rent program is equipped with a sophisticated rate engine that allows you to fully automate your price quotation and rental calculation processing.
- Multi-currency
- Rental location and Return location
- Vehicle type
- Grace period, extensions, and late fee charges.
- Special rates based on international/domestic renters, promotions, airlines, frequent flyers, credit cardtypes,on-line reservations, etc.
- Automated rate assignment using advanced rate logic
- Rental date and length
- Customer type
- Insurance coverage and miscellaneous charges.
Increase Reservation    Process
- Creation of reservation based on quotation
- Rate Optimization
- Reservation status: open, no show, cancelled, closed
- On-line reservation portal integration
- Detailed reservation including optional vehicle
- Online customer statistics and reservation history

Marketing    Support
- Customer discount programs (CDP)
- Seasonal rates
- Marketing campaigns and promotional package tracking facilities
- Built-in loyalty program support

Flexible    Invoicing
- Invoice generation on closing of agreement
- Pre-billing Invoices
- Monthly Invoices
- Combination Invoices
- Supports combined/separate invoicing for corporate customers
- Ability to include additional expenses such as fuel, damages, traffic violations Credit limit restrictions

Cashier    Module
- Accounts receivable system with automatic deposits
- Aging analysis
- Account statements
- Cash allocation
- Collection activities
- Petty cash management module
- Fuel purchase support
- Separate daily transaction reports for each branch
- Process cash receipts, deposits and transfers to head office
- Complete branch business reports

Fleet Control    and Planning
- Complete fleet automation and control
- Fleet projection and mix
- Online access to historical maintenance information
- Current vehicle status
- Schedule vehicle sale process
- Control the costs of the entire fleet with multi-level authorization and approvals
- Registration and license renewal
- Analyze fleet utilization: historical; current; projected
- Automated authorization process
- Optimize vehicle distribution
- Fuel purchase support
- Insurance renewal
- Vehicle availability and status e.g., out of service, in garage, due for service Support vehicle transfers between branches via non-revenue transfers
- Idle fleet identification