Case Study: Indian Oil Corporation Ltd
IOCL intended to implement the GPS based security tracking system (STS) for monitoring and control its line security men who walk along the Pipeline Right of Way (ROW) in day time and in security vehicles in night time for entire Western Region Pipelines. It is to cross check security personnel and vehicle by having real time information about their position, speed, stoppage etc. The data is available in the central database where users can see online status of line walker and vehicles on digital map, along with diagnostic reports and receive real time alerts.

Total responsibility for the final design, engineering, procurement, manufacture, transportation, installation, testing and commissioning of various equipments to meet and fulfil the overall system requirements / objectives specified in the tender.
- Supply, configuration, integration and commissioning of GPS based tracker devices (handheld personnel tracker device for one each Line Security Man and vehicle tracker device for Security Vehicle) with GSM SIM and connectivity as per specifications mentioned elsewhere in the tender
- Supply, Installation, configuration, integration and commissioning of Server (to be installed at WRPL, Gauridad Office ) hardware with all accessories and licenses required as per specifications mentioned.
- Supply, Installation and configuration of Operating system software(Windows server 2003/2008) in the server.
- Supply, Installation, configuration, integration and commissioning of required database one of out of the following databases for storing real time data in the server.
- Survey/Importing GPS based survey along the pipeline route corridor and ROW (width varying from 30 meters at most of the places) of the pipelines in Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh (the approximate length is 3000 Kms and pipelines length is 4200 KMs) with multiple pipeline in the common ROW in order to establish the as built pipeline route and corridor.
- Geo referencing and Digital mapping of the various geospatial features and Point-of-interest (POI) data like road crossings, cart tracks, rivers, Railway crossing, pipeline markers like CP, TLP, RCP, TP along the pipeline corridor and ROW as per IOCL requirements and as per procedure mentioned elsewhere in the tender.
- Importing database of different Point-of-interest (POI) data like road crossings, cart tracks, rivers, Railway crossing, pipeline markers like CP, TLP, RCP, TP along the pipeline corridor and ROW which are available in MS-Access format.
- Supply, Installation, configuration, integration and commissioning of GSM Modem at the location where server is installed for taking the SMS data from tracking device and sending data to tracking device.
- Supply, Installation, configuration, integration and commissioning of Client PCs with client software with all accessories and licenses at 24 locations of Western Region Pipelines for monitoring of movement of the line security walker under their jurisdiction. The actual tracker devices required at these locations is informed to the successful bidder.
- Supply of any other add-on software (which is required for the working of the system).
- Supply, Installation, configuration, integration and commissioning of web based software as per requirement of the system.
- All handheld GPS tracker units was preconfigured and integrated with the tracking software along with serial no for easy tracking of the equipment.
- We purchased necessary GSM SIM Cards with GPRS facility and install them into the GPS handheld unit.
- The system was designed to receive GPRS data on Dynamic Internet IP address.
- We were responsible for arranging all resources, facilities, transportation, logistics etc. including requisite manpower, hardware/ software, tools & tackles, machinery, test instruments, consumables, skilled manpower, all consumables etc. complete in all respects for installation, testing and commissioning of the system.
- Testing & commissioning of the integrated system including Site Acceptance Test.
- Provide guarantee/ warranty support during defect liability period.
- Comprehensive AMC of 5 years after the completion of 1 year standard warranty.
- During AMC period, a permanent resident engineer is deputed by the bidder at WRPL, Gauridad office for daily checking and complete backup of the system, restore the system as and when required. The engineer shall also be doing modification and development work of new reports as per IOCL requirement.
Technical Specifications of Software
The system architecture is web technology based and accessible through the Intranet and Internet from any Station using the logon facility through multiple levels of security. Access to Each Station is given for concerned areas and regional office will have access to all areas, bases will have access for their jurisdiction.
The software supplied shall have the following features:
- Is compatible with the supplied server with Windows 2008 Operating System.
- Real Time Tracking – provide real time information on Security Personnel status based on location, speed, date and time.
- Security Personnel and Group Management – Add/Edit/Update Security Personnel profiles, as well as manage their groups, types and permissions.
- Facility for reverse geo coding enabling mapping of geo co-ordinates into physical location.
- Feature for creation and updation of Geo-fences, POI and Waypoints along with the associated alert options.
- Facility to figure out the distance/route between two points on the Map.
- Integration with the Digital Maps of the Pipeline route corridor and ROW with option for viewing the data on top of Google Maps/Google Earth.
- Providing the Geo-spatial/POI information along the pipeline corridor and ROW as Overlays through the web interface with option to switch OFF/ON the overlays as per the requirement.
- Facility to perform search/query on the Geo spatial/POI information through web interface.
- Compatible with industry standard Mapping formats such as map info, shape files etc.
- Scalability:- The application should be scalable/compatible to incorporate new pipeline data (whose data are provided in industry standard Map formats).
- Modularity:- The application should be able to accommodate new users/groups/pipelines as and when required.
- Capability/ flexibility to change Communication Service Provider at any point of time for better service options.
- The System shall have provision to further update existing data base/ information at owner’s end without any additional cost to the owner.
- Compatible with web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox etc
- The real time location of the security Personnel and the route undertaken would be shown on the Map.
- Online Alerts - provide critical alerts such as
- Walking Speed
- Direction
- Stoppages
- Any Detour Taken:- Alert Message is given to the concerned upon any route deviation set by location In charge.
- Trip Replay – provide replay (Tracing footsteps) of the routes travelled by Security Personnel plotted on the map.
- Standard reports on criteria such as Security Personnel stoppages, Security Personnel speeding or trip summary.
- Reports by date, Security Personnel ID or By Name in xls/html/csv file formats.
- Total Distance travelled, distance travelled between stops, Total time, time taken between stops, time taken during a trip.
- Stoppage reports with Stoppage time.
- Customized trip reports and exception reports.
- Facility to E-mail the reports to the concerned at pre-determined time.
- Other reports required for analysis purpose (is received through e-mail on daily basis), the format of the reports to be finalized in consultation with IOCL:
- Daily report: Complete tracking report of the person with GPS coordinates.
- Defaulter report: Report will show the defaulter, who were out of the specified coordinates in the specified time period.
- Non moving report: Report when there is no change (marginal change) in the coordinates in two intervals.
- Equipment status report: Report showing that no data received in the specified time interval.
- Any other report as per requirement of IOCL.