Hospital Information & Management System: CNBC
Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya has been developed as a state of the art super speciality pediatric hospital with a bed strength of 221 to provide comprehensive medical care for all pediatric
related medical and surgical illnesses under one roof. It is located at Geeta Colony, Delhi in an area of 1.6 hectare. Besides providing medical facilities it is being developed as a Post Graduate
Teaching/Training institute.
GTI has been Awarded the Contract to establish a Central Computerized Hospital Patient Registration of OPD/Accidents and Emergency / Admissions, and Computerization of Laboratory, MRD, Pharmacy,
Store & Procurement on turnkey basis. GTI implemented state-of-the-art and comprehensive HIMS system to cater to CNBC along with Software, Hardware, man-power, consumables and much more.
Modules of the System
Patient Registration modules
- Out Patient Department (OPD), IPD & Emergency Registration.
- Online appointment system.
- Queue management system.
- Emergency/Admission Registration.
- Registration for Admissions.
- Issue of Attendant Pass.
- Issue of Attendant Pass.
Laboratory Module
- Laboratory orders registration.
- Bar coded specimens and traceability to results and patients.
- Templates for normal and abnormal results.
- Billing integration to payable patients.
- Integration to patient records.
- Integration of Laboratory Equipments (Analyzers) with LIS.
- Integration of LIS with HIMS, Inventory, Lab Reagents, etc.
Blood Banking Module
- Inventory with blood component type, ID numbers, date of collection, date of receiving, source of blood (mother center) expiry date, volume and blood group.
- Bar-coding and trail of all requests pertaining to blood grouping.
- Donor details and results updation.
- TAT calculation as per NABH norms.
- Information regarding arranged/ cross-matched bags/issue ready bags/ partially used bags.
- Various reports including KPIs, Transfusion reaction report.
Radiology Info. Mgmt System
- Patient Registration and scheduling, Patient List Management.
- Interface with modality via Work list.
- Radiology Department workflow management, Request and document scanning, Result(s) Entry, Reporting and printout.
- Integration with PACS.
- Integration of HIMS with CR system.
- Provsion of tagging images with reports for viewing with HIMS.
- Provision to develop online teaching library.
Store & Procurement
- Deal with Hospital Equipment/Mater- ial/Inventory/ Purchase and Supply to different department.
- Item, Vendor, Area, master details.
- Supply Order & Challan Detail Entry (with expiry/shelf life and batch no) with Inspection of items.
- Raising Indents from various Area Stores.
- Issue of Items from the Central Store & Area Stores.
- Material return / recall details.
- Generation and printing of Purchase orders/Supply Orders.
- Gate Pass And Entry Pass.
- Rate contracts details.
Materials Mgmt & Facility Mgmt
- Module includes equipment procurement details, warranty, AMC, installation, maintenance schedule and records, calibration records with due dates, part replacement details, condemnation records.
- Reminders to department and the vendors for Preventive maintenance schedule, calibrations. Equipment led- ger including down time/uptime calculations should be included.
- Generates breakdown register, history card and other records.
- Equipment log is available for machines integrated to HIMS system.
- Audit forms for monitoring legal requirements as per NABH standards.
- Allow entries for drugs dispensed through OPD/IPD pharmacy.
- Report consumption pattern by drug or group, stock position etc.
- System generates instructions for use to patients attending pharmacy counter.
- Module also has provision to enter drugs prescribed but not available in the inventory for assessing needs and prescription practices of the prescribers.
- Drug entry and dispensing of all the drugs.
- GTI’s manpower also maintain upkeep of the drug/pharmacy inventory.
- Provide audit trails as perNABH standards.
Financial Mgmt Module
- Enable budget estimates to be provided by different clinical and support departments under various heads.
- Provide hospitals insights to the planned and unplanned expenditure and expenditure under various heads.
- Provide insight to the assets and provide assets balance.
- History of the records for asset depreciation according to the fiscal period or defined period.
- Generate reports such as : Balance pursuing, fixed assets turnover at different levels, place, origin, group, account, cost centre and impress account.
Billing Module
- HIMS’ Billing module is provided for the private ward (Room rent, Diet charges, laboratory tests, drugs and consumables, procedures etc.) and in radiology department for ultrasonography (USG) and CT scan and MRI charges.
- Provides disease based per patient expenditure reports under various head described above under this section.
Digitization of Medi. Records Dpmt
- Electronic records of all the patients is maintained.
- Patient Discharge Details and case sheets are digitally scanned with certain additional parameters.
- Capture primary and secondary diagnosis for all indoor patients as per ICD codes.
- Retrieve the history of the patient including OPD/Emergency/Admission for the entire duration.
- System is capable of storing x-ray image records retrieved from radiology department as part of electronic records.
- All electronic data generated for individual patient is affixed with the digitised patient records as case summary.
- Real time online access to the books and journals inventory to the hospital staff.
- Online process of books/journal issuance and reminder SMS.
- The module facilitates online procurement of books and journals.
- Generate unique barcode identifiers for each item in the library.
MIS Module
Statistical, analytical & MIS reports generation and printing is done as per contents and format for each report. Live dashboard for various indicators and data sets with traceability to raw data is available for Patient demographic details and is mapable in mapinfo GIS or equivalent software. Reports under different modules are listed below:
- Laboratory Module
- Medical Record Department
- Stores & Purchase Departments
- Pharmacy
- Other Functionalities
Website Mgmt
CNBC website, linkage with data reports updating in real time automatically and provides dashboard to hospital for periodic update of the contents.
Data Updating
- To analyze and generate reports, Patient data (OPD, Accidents & Emergency and Admission) is updated by GTI in the system through counter foils / originals / carbon copy or when patient presents at the counter.
- GTI collects the counter foils / Second Copy of the new registration Card from the Doctors and feed the diagnosis (Diagnosis to be written on the counterfoils by the doctors) and classification code of Diseases / Operations / Procedures (as per ICD10) in the patients record.
- In case of admissions, besides the diagnosis and ICD code, other remaining data as per the admission card format is entered in the patient record, on discharge/death/abscond/LAMA.
Electronic Health Record
- Electronic Health Record stores digital health care information about an individual's lifetime with the purpose of supporting continuity of care, education and research, and ensuring confidentiality at all times.
- For maintaining the complete information of the patient in E.H.R. all the registration numbers of any given patient is linked.
- GTI maintains the EHR for the Hospital.