Software Expertise

Information Technology is no longer the backbone of a company but an essential and integral part of any organization on which various business functions and processes depend. The rise of technology driven business transformation has made it imperative for companies to converge their business objectives with technological innovations.

At GTI, our in-depth Industry experience, highly skilled pool of IT professionals has helped us successfully provide our solutions to companies across the globe. With a detailed set of best practices and processes that ensure our IT products and solutions accommodate all business needs, we have served our clients for years and strive to continue providing our value driven and end-to-end solutions across all industries. Our service portfolio offers companies assistance right from conceptualization to implementation, addressing your organization's specific business needs with repeated and consistent results.

GTI Solutions design and build user-centric business solutions for our clients to support their diverse needs. Our innovative solutions deliver value by increasing process efficiencies, enhancing workforce productivity, cutting operating costs, boosting employee and customer satisfaction, enabling better and faster decisions.

Portal Solutions

Intranet, Extranet, Web; however you name them, portals and information sharing across internal and external parts of businesses has become an essential need of every company these days. We at GTI understand these needs with our vast experience and offer portal integration and implementation services based on known products like MS Sharepoint, Liferay etc.

Fulfilling the needs of clients, we help them with,
  • Creating a single sharing space for employees to share and access information.
  • Integrate with older systems and making them accessible through internal portals.
  • Integrating with the corporate website, unifying internal and external communication for any business.
  • Providing task sharing, document sharing, custom web components for intranet and internal employees.
  • Providing general essential business tools like calendar, mail integration, calculator on a single canvas and desk space.
  • Full control on information accessibility depending on nature of person accessing it.
  • Complete enterprise and business content management through a single window.
  • Integration with business reporting and business intelligence tools.
Quality, professional portal solutions require a combination of sophisticated yet easy to use portal software applications and a sensible business model. When software compliments and supports practical business objectives, the combination inevitably results in a profitable and efficient e-business.

With our expertise, we at GTI ensure the success by detailed planning and executing the portal strategy helping businesses gain maximum return on investments.

Document Management

Organizations of every size since years had been dependent on papers; making it difficult to sort and find the required information later through the large stacks and piles of filed papers. Overall, the human effort required to file and then find the information grows with every year adding to the same stack.

Enterprise Document Management Systems help customers get rid of these piled stacks of physical documents by providing an easy way to index and store the information in the centralized database accessible by highly secured authorization layer.

Our integrated Document Management Solutions work according to required complex workflows of today's businesses to control the document passing and sharing across people, processes and departments.

We at GTI not only create the technology but also provide complete solutions which help our customers to,
  • Directly scan and capture the documents as images in the centralized database.
  • Provide metadata / searchable text helping end users to look for documents later.
  • Index the documents in DB for easy retrieval.
  • Access the documents and system using internet to check and get the documents from anywhere.
  • Access using secured intranet only desktop based client applications as well.
  • Use highly customized search feature to look for documents using metadata and inner text search.
  • Share and pass the documents across organization's departments using customizable and configurable Business processes.
  • Maintain versions of documents by keeping log and history of all past documents retrievable at any time.
GTI helps its clients to choose from best available products keeping the initial and long term investments low further helping them attain the returns in fast manner with low support and maintenance costs.

GTI provides complete Web marketing services and solutions which may range from designing stand alone websites to managing the rankings and promoting the websites faster on the web. Our team carries experience of managing various offshore clients based globally and many domains ranking high in various search engines with support of highly lucrative designs by our designers.

Website Development

Every company today thrives for creating its own marketing space in the industry. Today marketing teams across globes have included web and online channel as an important strategy while planning the visibility quotient for the company's brand.

GTI helps companies across globe make their web presence felt with our experts in web development team. This team is focused on providing highly creative solutions to our clients can help them with,
  • Creative and aesthetic web designs.
  • Complete document and content managed websites.
  • Complete ecommerce & Secured payment systems integration with intranet and extranet systems
  • Advanced custom programming as per needs.
Our strength lies in being able to work with available CMS and advanced free source frameworks like osCommerce, Joomla and preparing the sites as per our clients' needs keeping the costs lower by re using maximum of the available components. Our team carries experience of managing various offshore clients based globally and many domains ranking high in various search engines with support of highly lucrative designs by our designers.

Custom Software Solutions

Many times packaged software and solutions do not meet the expectations of the end user, landing the IT heads of businesses to make internal systems and custom solutions. It may be small integration with existing software or complete solution from scratch, GTI has been helping various customers across the globe achieve that extra edge by designing and delivering solutions tailored specifically as per the needs of our customers.

GTI helps such customers with consultancy approach by behaving not just an outsourcing vendor but be a part of the client's business, further understanding the needs with the help of our highly efficient analysts framing the path for technical team to further architect and create a tailor made software for complex needs.

With our flexible approach, we help our clients with,
  • Onsite analysis of exact needs for custom software.
  • Suggest fastest solution with help of existing pre built architecture.
  • Creating globally accepted and standard documents which become part of total life cycle of software requirements.
  • Executing software development lifecycles with highly efficient team of developers and project managers.
  • Delivering and deploying end solutions at client side whenever required.
  • Supporting the ongoing maintenance activity for such custom software solutions.
GTI has experience in space of delivering custom solutions of not just business but also national importance to its customers. We can easily boast to be one of the companies carrying experience in delivering most complex and big software cycles with ease to end user.

GTI understands importance of quality and is flexible in terms of warranty provided to customers with free support post delivery to check and accept the product in real testing environment. It also helps the clients by making similar production environments checking the performance for making the software robust to support those bottlenecks and reduce the long term production costs.