GeoRTD & Route Management: RMS
GTI has developed an accurate GIS based Round Trip Distance (RTD) Route Management System (RMS), for identifying the shortest all weather motor- able routes for transportation of Vehicle between the Supply and Delivery Location. This web based Application is ideal for distribution network entities to optimize its resources. The software features:
- User-friendly GUI
- Graphically display the customers position on a screen with different levels of zoom.
- Apart from route report generated in a report form Report should be selectable for Supply Location/Area office/Divisional office/State Office/Regional office/Head Office etc.
- User is able to dynamically select one or more of the attributes of an object, to be display as label of the object. This can be for viewing, and printing purposes.
- System is support representation of the Entities/Objects/Elements in different colors based on the attribute criterion.
- System is able to display different objects at different scales. It should be a onetime definition as well as the user should be able to define it dynamically.
- Able to perform move, copy, rotate, mirror and offset.
- Specify the real time measurement/length while drawing the lines.
- The system have Plotting and Printing of graphical areas.
- Placement of Own Legend, Scale, North Arrow and various Texts styles in plotting template.
- System should support Import/Export the data.
- On Query, the system is able to highlight the objects based on the user specified boundary or attributes for visualization.
- User is able to place the pointer at a desired location on the graphics window and get the X-Y co-ordinates of the location.
- GPS point recording directly to the map.
- Help is available at different levels: novice, expert etc.
- High productivity, performance, user friendliness, user interface, ease in operating.
Methodology of Geo RTD:
RTD for existing locations:
1. The latitude and longitude of all existing source location and destination location will be arrived at by physical verification by the GTI in coordination with Concerned State office and respective person.
2. The latitude and longitude plotted on GIS maps legally procured/accessed from Google to arrive at various motorable routes.
3. Three alternate motorable routes plotted by the GTI on digitalized maps thru’ its software and passed on to concerned first level of approval or concerned Manager(s) through intranet for acceptance.
4. On acceptance of motorable shortest route by the First level of approval / Managers (as the case may be), segment wise details for the route (OP-46) will be automatically generated along with the route-map and passed on to second level Department in State Office.
5. The RTD and route so approved by the State Office will be implemented by the State Office for transport bill payment and pricing.
6. GTI updates the routes at regular intervals based on GIS maps legally procured/accessed from survey of Google certified map vendor.
RTD for existing locations:
1. For new loading / unloading sources, if longitude & latitude are not available then same will be undertaken by GTI.
2. These will get plotted by the GTI on GIS maps legally procured/accessed from Google certified map vendor by the GTI using software and three alternate routes will be arrived at for one of those to be accepted by the concerned Officer, electronically.
3. The rest of the process as elaborated above followed for getting final RTD and route approved by the State office for being fed into SAP both for transport bill payment and Pricing.
4. Though individual RTDs determined for all destinations under a market upto the end point of destination, but final RTD for a market will be submitted as per Corporation’s prevailing policy.
5. GTI also take care of toll in route and its charges. New toll are likely to be created or old toll likely to be abolished. The system to take care of these eventualities and modify OP-46 at least distance route on monthly basis and notify to concern officer.
6. Toll Master Data prepared along with section of the road where it is applicable to be able to cross-verify with that reflected in OP46.
System Incorporates
GIS Maps
GTI have GIS maps legally procured/accessed from Google certified map vendor. Procurement of GIS maps including Name of the Highway (National Highway, State Highway, Other Roads).Name of the Supply Location, and much more.
Route Field Survey
All the routes to be taken by the trucks of vendor from a Supply Location to end points covered by the location is located with following attribute details by the GTI:
- Distance in KM between Supply Location to end points by all-weather motorable shortest route.
- Source /Destination details: Name, Postal Address.
- Name of the Highway: National Highway/ State Highway / Other Roads
- Location of origin and end point shown with prominent color icons. Accuracy of latitude/longitude, correlating the same with ground features and of the routes is of paramount importance.
Monitoring of field Survey data
The progress of work can be monitored by vendor on fortnightly basis with reference to the time schedule agreed upon at the commencement of the Project