UP TeleConsultancy  
GTI has been awarded the prestigious Tele consultancy project by the Government of UP that has been implanted across the state of UP catering to a population of 220 million. The services has been envisaged and designed by NHM that GTI has had the privilege to implement.
GTI has developed and operates the Tele-Consultation Call Centres through toll free health helpline which provides medical advice and health related information to users who connect by dialling 104 in the state of UP. GTI also has dedicated seats for outgoing calls.
GTI has commenced its operation with Medical Call Centres, having sitting capacity of a minimum of 50 call operators including Paramedics, Counsellors, AU Doctors & MBBS Doctors for providing the Services. It is being extended to 200 seats.
Health Services  
Medical advice
- Information on disease conditions, health facilities available in the particular regions, advice on local epidemics and prevention etc. and suggestive medication.
- Basic health advice that does not require any advanced medical suggestion through paramedics.
- Medical doctors (MBBS)/ AU doctors provide advice on medical conditions. All such advices shall be issued on e-prescription digitally signed by the doctor issuing the prescription. The e-prescription shall be shared with patients and with nearest Public Healthcare Facility/ government medicine dispensing facility via email so that patient may be able to take print of the same for medicine.
Counselling & Information
- Family Planning – advice to eligible couple as per defined protocols.
- Rehabilitation counselling (Alcohol, Drugs, Smoking);
- Psychological counselling (Anxiety, Depression, suicidal tendencies, chronic diseases like cancer etc.);
- Stigmatized diseases (HIV, AIDS, Leprosy).
- Non-communicable diseases - Prevalent lifestyle diseases conditions, its symptoms, precaution and prevention.
- Nutrition and hygiene related Information.
- Women and child care information.
Referrals & Information directory
- Health care services / facilities.
- Hospitals, Pharmacies and Diagnostic centers;
- Rehabilitation centers.
- Referrals to Public Healthcare Facilities.
Medical Emergencies
Assist Authority in taking faster action during medical emergencies such as disaster/epidemic breakout by sharing health information etc.
Technology Developed  
& Deployed
Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
GTI has developed an EMR especially for Tele-Consultation. The EMR is integrated with Central Patient Portal. The EMR registers a patient, record medical history and any other detail as be required. The EMR is developed in compliance with Electronic Health Record guidelines issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. It has the following major functionalities:
- Generate & Maintain Aadhaar number based Unique Health Identifier (UHID) and in the absence of Aadhaar, mobile number or Ration card number shall be used.
- Progress note digitally signed at the end of every consultation by the MBBS doctor/AU doctor/ paramedic/ counsellor at the call centre.
- HIPAA standards for electronic transactions.
- ICD-10
- Medication List – The EMR should maintain medication list (long term, per-episode, active- inactive) allergy list, write prescriptions, and automatically alert the practitioners about any drug allergy.
- Record of doctor/paramedic/counsellor availability and occupancy.
- All display should be in English and Hindi language.
- Standards & Compliances for EMR as per Govt. of India guidelines.
- MIS Dashboard
Central Patient Portal
GTI has also developed a Central Patient Portal that shall store electronic medical records (“EMR”) of all patients, maintain a record of consultations carried out as a part of telemedicine project, maintain a record of availability and utilisation of manpower deployed as a part of telemedicine project and execute other operations. It has the following major functionalities:- Registration details of the patient.
- Schedule of consultations for the next two days at every Patient Node.
- Utilization of specialists/doctors/ paramedic/ counsellors and other manpower deployed as a part of telemedicine project.
- Record of bio-metric attendance of doctors/ Paramedics/ Counsellors and other manpower deployed as a part of telemedicine project.
- Capture details of any complaints registered.
- EMR integrated with the portal, SMS and Email
- Integration with SMS gateway and Email: For information or notification of case to the concerned Public Healthcare Facilities.
- The patient shall be able to retrieve information related to medical advice, treatment, diagnosis report, prescription, registered complaints etc. related to the patient.
- Powerful search tool
AI based Algorithms & CDSS
GTI is developing an AI based Algorithm & Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) for a Tele-Medicine Medical Consultant to improve their online treatment and reduce the time spent with each patient. It will have the following functionalities:
- Standardized and validated algorithms
- Disease summaries that cover major prevalent diseases in India, for use by the staff while providing the Services.
- Understand the population, geographical, disease and weather related parameter for each patient call.
- Understand the patient demographic & Symptom.
- Capture the allergies, family history, existing medication, etc. of the patient.
- Capture vitals (if available)
- Diagnose the patient based on the above information and recommend possible diagnosis based on a scale.
Medical Call Center
The Medical Cell center solution deployed by GTI provides the interface to the users and helpdesk operators for logging, tacking, resolution & closing of calls. The services and information will be provided in Hindi or English language. An administrator to receive call, transfer to appropriate agent/doctor, record call, enter patient information, such as name, age, as per authority’s demand etc. That information is then stored, and shared with other users as appropriate. It shall also alert the medical staff when a patient that requires different treatment is admitted, such as some with an infectious disease. The Solution consists of:- Auto Call Distributor (ACD) that distributes the call as it comes from the PRI line.
- CTI (Computer Telephony Interface) that takes care of the interface between Computer & telephone.
- Voice Logging for recording all the calls.
- IVRS (Interactive Voice Response System): to guide the caller through a call.
- CRM (Customer Relationship Management)