GeoRTD and VTS at IOCL:  Indane
GTI Provide to IOCL Vehicle Tracking system with end to end solution. The end to end solution is not limited to but would include provisioning of Vehicle Mounted Units (VMU), other essential equipment, VTS software licenses, operating and maintenance of VTS service for vehicle Management system. The necessary equipment’s for VTS have to be installed on tank trucks/ packed trucks which are under contract with IOC, track movement of trucks as per VTS philosophy on continuous basis, provided customized exception reports as per the requirement and providing services for route mapping explained herein. The central server has supplied, hosted and maintained by GTI in his custody. 24x7 support has to be provided for users to seek information on the position and movement of tank trucks/packed trucks. Also mobile app to all transporters / concerned IOCL officials for tracking purposes provided by the GTI.
Route mapping for identifying the all-weather motorable shortest route for Bulk LPG/ Packed LPG transportation to the distributors’ go-down in respect of the markets/ Auto LPG Dispensing Stations (ALDS) / Bulk Customers attached to the LPG Bottling plants under the State office. Supply source i.e. the LPG Bottling plant attached to a market may change during the period of contract or new distributors may come up during the period of contract. In that case RTD verification from new supply source to the corresponding destination will have to be carried out.
Route mapping done by field inspection and by identifying the SUPPLY as well as UNLOADING Location by capturing the latitude / longitude coordinates of both the locations and mapping the shortest motorable route for BULK LPG/Packed LPG transportation using legally procured GIS maps from Google.
GTI also providing same services for the following states across the India:
- Rajasthan State office: Number of trucks to be tracked continuously: 700 (approx.)
- Uttar Pradesh II State office Number of trucks to be tracked continuously: 1100 (approx.)
- Gujarat State office Number of trucks to be tracked continuously: 650 (approx.)
- Karnataka State office: Number of trucks to be tracked continuously:750 (approx.)
- Telangana and Andhra Pradesh State Office: Number of trucks to be tracked continuously: 800 (approx.)
- Punjab State Office: Number of trucks to be tracked continuously: 600 (approx.)
- Odisha State Office: Number of trucks to be tracked continuously: 300 (approx.)
- Maharashtra State office: Number of trucks to be tracked continuously: 600 (approx.)
We did the following things to achieve The IOCL objective and scope of work:
GTI providing Vehicle Tracking system with end to solution, scope of work given below:- Provision of Vehicle Mounted Units and Vehicle Tracking System
- Testing and commissioning of Vehicle Mounted Units and Vehicle Tracking System
- Replacement of Vehicle Mounted Units (whenever required)
- Operation of VMU and providing customized exception reports for end-to-end solution
- Providing services for route mapping.
- Also mobile app to all transporters / concerned IOCL officials for tracking purposes.
- Providing training to officers and distributors/Vendors once in a year.
- Route mapping using GPS/GIS/Remote Sensing based identification between LPG Bottling Plant/Bulk-LPG Loading Location to other LPG Bottling plants/distributor’s godown/ Retail Outlets(ALDS)/Consumer(Bulk LPG).
- Providing GIS Software for RTD Calculation, inter alia having the following specifications;
- Customization application software.
- Point to point query.
- Display of map with route length, route distance and segment wise distance.
- Display of district wise LPG Godowns/ ALDS/Bulk customers.
- Display of supply point wise Loading & unloading sources / LPG Bottling plants/ LPG Godowns/ ALDS / Bulk customers.
- Training to IOC personnel/Vendors.
- Providing the server and compute resources needed to host this custom application to meet present and future demands.
- Acquire the geo-coordinates of each and every supply & destination points for mapping the same on to the GIS maps legally procured/accessed from google.
Training on the following aspects provided to IOCL personnel, apart from provision of Administration & User Manuals:- User Administration – Add/modify/delete users and assignment roles, etc.
- Identifying and plotting new supply or delivery point on the map.
- Identifying and plotting new route from supply to delivery point on the developed GIS map and calculating its distance.
- Master Maintenance - Add/modify/delete various masters like Supply location master, Bulk LPG loading/ unloading sources, LPG Godowns , ALDS & bulk customers, etc.
- Print Management: Above list is only indicative and not exhaustive.
- All the trainings by GTI conducted at IOCL premises, at the option of IOCL’s date and time.
Methodology of Geo RTD
RTD for existing locations:
1. The latitude and longitude of all existing LPG Bottling Plants, LPG Distributor’s
godown, Retail Outlets ( ALDS) and Consumers (Bulk LPG) will be arrived at by
physical verification by the GTI in coordination with Concerned State office and
respective field force.
2. The latitude and longitude will be plotted on GIS maps legally procured/accessed from Google to arrive at various motorable routes.
3. Three alternate motorable routes plotted by the GTI on digitalized maps thru’ its software and passed on to concerned field officer or concerned Plant Manager(s) through intranet for acceptance.
4. On acceptance of motorable shortest route by the Field Officer / Plant Managers (as the case may be), segment wise details for the route (OP-46) will be automatically generated along with the route-map and passed on to LPG Department in State Office.
5. The RTD and route so approved by the State Office will be implemented by the State Office for transport bill payment and pricing.
6. GTI updates the routes at regular intervals based on GIS maps legally procured/accessed from survey of Google certified map vendor.
RTD for New Locations:
1. For all new locations, i.e. LPG Godowns, Retail Outlets for ALDS or Bulk
customer point, longitude and latitude will be assessed by the Field Officer
during his visit using portable GPS based data logger. In case longitude &
latitude taken by field officer does not meet the requirement the same will
be undertaken by GTI.
2. For new bulk/packed loading / unloading sources, if longitude & latitude are not available then same will be undertaken by GTI.
3. These will get plotted by the GTI on GIS maps legally procured/accessed from Google certified map vendor by the GTI using software and three alternate routes will be arrived at for one of those to be accepted by the concerned Officer, electronically.
4. The rest of the process as elaborated above followed for getting final RTD and route approved by the State office for being fed into SAP both for transport bill payment and Pricing.
5. Though individual RTDs determined for all distributors under a market upto the LPG Godowns, but final RTD for a market will be submitted as per Corporation’s prevailing policy.
6. RTD from bulk loading/unloading sources to LPG BP will be on point to point basis and OP-46 generated on actual RTD from source to destination.
Features of the Vehicle Tracking System (VTS):
- The Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) meet the following requirements:
- Entering pre-defined accident prone zones
- Over Speeding (for specified speed limits)
- Sudden & Harsh Acceleration
- Harsh Braking
- Harsh maneuvering
- Continuous driving (without break of 40 minutes after 4 hours of continuous driving)
- Night Driving (as declared by gazette notification or by respective State Govt. authority)
- Truck deviation beyond 50 meters/Configurable from the geo fenced route
- Stoppage beyond a stipulated time period
- In the event of simultaneous occurrence of both (a) and (b) above
- Trip time exceeding standard Trip Time which will be given by IOCL
- Over speeding
- Vehicle Mounted Unit (VMU):
- GIS Based Route Management Software:
- GIS Maps: GTI have GIS maps legally procured/accessed from Google certified map vendor. Procurement of GIS maps including Name of the Highway (National Highway, State Highway, Other Roads). Name of the Supply Location, and much more.
- Route Field Survey: All the routes to be taken by the trucks of IOC from a Supply Location to end points covered by the location is located with following attribute details by the GTI:
- Distance in KM between Supply Location to end points by all-weather motorable shortest route.
- LPG Distributor / ALDS / Bulk LPG customer details : Name, Postal Address.
- Name of the Highway : National Highway/ State Highway / Other Roads
- Name of the Supply Location : Bulk loading / unloading sources / LPG Bottling plants
- Location of origin and end point must be shown with prominent color icons. Accuracy of latitude/longitude, correlating the same with ground features and of the routes is of paramount importance.
- Monitoring of field Survey data: The progress of work can be monitored by IOCL on fortnightly basis with reference to the time schedule agreed upon at the commencement of the Project.
1. The system comprising of Vehicle Mounted Unit (VMU) which
includes GPS Antenna, GSM/GPRS antenna, GSM/GPRS Modem,
Microprocessor, Back up internal battery.
2. On-board Voice announcement in minimum 2 languages (English/Hindi & local) for the following safety alerts:
4. Tracking and tracing of a vehicle (truck) on Real Time basis.
5. Animated icons in different colours to represent trucks. Loaded trucks in motion shown in “Green‟ and all the others in “Red‟.
6. Geo fencing of Plants/ bulk LPG loading or unloading locations done within a radius of 150 metres / configurable. For supply locations the same will be advised by the location incharges.
7. Geo fencing of the routes done with a radius of 50 metres from the centre of the road on either side.
8. The application have provision to generate exception reports / alert in the following logical events:
10. System to generate a report of lorries with activated VMU at the loading location to cross check with the list before planning of loads for the particular day by the respective location in charge.
11. GTI have ARAI (Automobile Research Association of India) certification / any other Govt. Lab for the hardware for Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) / Electro Magnetic Compliance (EMC) as per (AIS004:Part3:2009 standard). Proof submitted.
12. Auto generated letters for exception alerts.
1. Suitable to fitted into the driver’s cabin particularly dashboard of
the vehicle. Must a rugged enclosure suitable to Indian conditions.
The VMU box enclosed in a tamper proof like cover, water and
dust resistant, conforming to IP67. Tamper proof uncommon
screws provided on the outer casing of the devices.
2. Operate from the 12V / 24V battery of the Vehicle. Additional internal battery back - up is available using rechargeable batteries and capable of providing back up of minimum 8 (eight) hrs. Change over from vehicle battery to internal battery in case of disconnection from main battery and vice versa smooth without re-booting of VMU.
3. Facilitate GPRS data communication (e.g. every 3 minutes configurable) between VMU and web server.
4. Over the Air Programmable Positional Data Acquisition and transfer rates are possible. Firmware upgrade can be done over Air.
5. The GPS and GSM / GPRS antenna modules are inbuilt, tamper proof & protected in weather proof enclosures.
6. Connected & integrated with On-board Voice Announcement Box for safety alert messages announcements.
1. User-friendly GUI
2. Graphically display the customers of IOCL position on a screen with different levels of zoom.
3. Apart from route report generated in a report form Report should be selectable for Supply Location/Area office/Divisional office/State Office/Regional office/Head Office etc.
4. User is able to dynamically select one or more of the attributes of an object, to be display as label of the object. This can be for viewing, and printing purposes.
5. System is support representation of the Entities/Objects/Elements in different colors based on the attribute criterion.
6. System is able to display different objects at different scales. It should be a onetime definition as well as the user should be able to define it dynamically.
7. Able to perform move, copy, rotate, mirror and offset.
8. Specify the real time measurement/length while drawing the lines.
9. The system have Plotting and Printing of graphical areas.
10. Placement of Own Legend, Scale, North Arrow and various Texts styles in plotting template.
11. System should support Import/Export the data.
12. On Query, the system is able to highlight the objects based on the user specified boundary or attributes for visualization.
13. User is able to place the pointer at a desired location on the graphics window and get the X-Y co-ordinates of the location.
14. GPS point recording directly to the map.
15. Help is available at different levels: novice, expert etc.
16. High productivity, performance, user friendliness, user interface, ease in operating.