Authorization/Subscription Utility (ASU)

The Authorization/Subscription Utility (ASU) provides a method for identifying who is authorized to perform various actions on clinical documents. These actions include signing, co-signing, and amending. ASU originated in response to Text Integration Utilities' document definition needs. Current security key capabilities were unable to efficiently manage the needs of clinical documentation (Discharge Summaries, Progress Notes, etc.).
- Defines, populates, and retrieves information about user classes. User classes can be defined hospital-wide or more narrowly for a specific service and can be used across VistA to replace and/or complement keys.
- Links user classes with Text Integrated Utilities (TIU) document definitions and document events.
- Allows sites to maintain membership of users in User Classes and to distribute such maintenance tasks.
- Lists class members as active or inactive.
- Allows infinite hierarchies of subclasses.
- Defines business rules to further manage document activities.