- Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT)
- Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT)
- Anticoagulation Management Tool (AMT)
- Automated Service Connected Designation (ASCD)
- Beneficiary Travel
- Blind Rehabilitation
- Care Management
- Clinical Case Registries
- Clinical Procedures
- Clinical/Health Data Repository (CHDR)
- Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS)
- CPRS: Adverse Reaction Tracking (ART)
- CPRS: Authorization Subscription Utility (ASU)
- CPRS: Clinical Reminders
- CPRS: Consult/Request Tracking
- CPRS: Health Summary
- CPRS: Problem List
- CPRS: Text Integration Utility (TIU)
- Dentistry Pharm: Inpatient Medications
- Electronic Wait List Pharm: National Drug File (NDF)
- Emergency Department Integration Software (EDIS)
- Functional Independence Measurement (FIM)
- Group Notes Primary Care Management Module (PCMM)
- HDR - Historical (HDR-Hx)
- Home Based Primary Care (HBPC)
- Home Telehealth
- Immunology Case Registry (ICR)
- Incomplete Records Tracking (IRT)
- Intake and Output Scheduling
- Laboratory Shift Handoff Tool
- Laboratory: Anatomic Pathology
- Laboratory: Blood Bank
- Laboratory: Blood Bank Workarounds
- Laboratory: Electronic Data Interchange (LEDI)
- Laboratory: Emerging Pathogens Initiative (EPI)
- Laboratory: Howdy Computerized Phlebotomy Login Process
- Laboratory: National Laboratory Tests (NLT) Documents &
LOINC Request Form
- Laboratory: Point of Care (POC)
- Laboratory: Universal Interface
- Laboratory: VistA Blood Establishment Computer Software (VBECS)
- Lexicon Utility
- Medicine
- Mental Health
- Methicillin Resistant Staph Aurerus (MRSA)
- Mobile Electronic Documentation (MED)
- Nationwide Health Information Network Adapter (NHIN)
- Nursing
- Nutrition and Food Service (NFS)
- Oncology
- Patient Appointment Info. Transmission (PAIT)
- Patient Assessment Documentation Package (PADP)
- Patient Care Encounter (PCE)
- Patient Record Flags
- Pharm: Automatic Replenish / Ward Stock (AR/WS)
- Pharm: Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA)
- Pharm: Benefits Management (PBM)
- Pharm: Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy
- Pharm: Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy
- Pharm: Controlled Substances
- Pharm: Data Management (PDM)
- Pharm: Drug Accountability
- Pharm: Outpatient Pharmacy
- Pharm: Prescription Practices (PPP)
- Prosthetics
- Quality Audiology and Speech Analysis and Reporting (QUASAR)
- Radiology / Nuclear Medicine
- Remote Order Entry System (ROES)
- Social Work
- Spinal Cord Dysfunction
- Standards & Terminology Services (STS)
- Surgery
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Virtual Patient Record
- VistA Imaging System
- VistAWeb
- Visual Impairment Service Team (VIST)
- Vitals / Measurements
- Womens Health