Nutrition and food service
The Nutrition and Food Service (N&FS) software integrates the automation of many Clinical Nutrition, Food Management, and Management Reports functions. The Clinical N&FS activities of Nutrition Screening, Nutrition Assessment, Diet Order Entry, Tube Feeding and Supplemental Feeding Orders, Patient Food Preferences, Specific Diet Pattern Calculations, Nutrient Analysis of meals, Consult Reporting, Encounter Tracking, and Quality Care Monitoring are all available in this program. The Food Management function has complete automation of food production activities; Service and Distribution, Inventory and Cost Management, Recipe Expansion, Menu and Recipe Nutrient Analysis, Meal and Diet Pattern Development and Implementation, Diet Card and Tray Ticket Printing, and Quality Service Tracking are available. The Management Reports include the Served Meals, Additional Meals, Cost Per Meal, Tube Feeding Cost, Supplemental Feeding Cost, Staffing Data, Encounter Data, and Annual Management Reports.
- Allows the building of a site-specific listing of patient food preferences that can be incorporated in meal production calculations and the printed diet card and tray tickets programs.
- Manages patients' requests or dietary requirements for specific food items or utensils, allowing the selection of standing orders for any patient, for any meal or quantity.
- Controls all aspects of ingredient usage.
- Develops a list of site-specific recipes that includes portion size, preparation area and time, equipment and serving utensils, recipe category, ingredients, and directions for preparation. Recipes can be quickly analyzed for their nutrient value.
- Creates multiple meals and menu cycles. Meals can be used in different patterns by creating menu cycles or by creating special holiday dates within a cycle. It allows for the nutrient analysis of meals or daily/weekly menus.
- Controls quantities produced in the Food Management program. Specific patient diet orders are reorganized into production diets and diet patterns that reflect the foods to be served. This information is used along with data from the meal file to generate production reports, diet cards and/or tray tickets. A forecasting tool also exists in this section that allows the manager to anticipate, by percentage of total census, the type and quantity of various production diets that will be needed by any selected service point.
- Allows the entry of information required by the Annual Report that is not automatically retrieved from the program.
- Prints a patient-specific record of all diet order entry information.
- Controls the order entry activity.
- Manages food items and their nutrients using the latest USDA data, food items from Bowes and Church, and additional data from research.
- Handles N&FS consults and allows the reassignment of active consults from one staff member to another.
- Manages the supplemental feeding food items and menus. A supplemental feeding menu automatically goes into effect at the time of diet order entry and changes automatically with new orders.