Telemedicine:  by GTI

GTI has partnered with SwyMed, one of the leading telemedicine companies in the world, to bring a host of telemedicine solutions customised for Indian environment. Our solution includes:-


    swyMed/GTI takes telemedicine to a new frontier with a plug-and-play backpack that – for the first time – enables reliable, live video telemedicine in truly mobile environments. The swyMed/GTI DOT Telemedicine Backpack gives access to a “Doc-on Tap” even in low bandwidth areas.


    With the swyMed/GTI DOT Telemedicine Backpack, all ambulances — even those operating in poorly connected areas — can conduct reliable real-time video telemedicine encounters while en route to the hospital! The swyMed/GTI DOT Telemedicine Backpack is light, easy to use.


    The hub of the swyMed/GTI ecosystem: swyMed/GTI running with EHR integration, connecting specialists, patients, patient families, lab techs, imaging techs, distant clinics, remote first responders, and even robots…all through one primary medical-focused interface.


    Once patients are discharged, swyMed/GTI can help keep them home. With three home health solutions: 1) patient user account for low-priority follow-ups;
    2) Our swyMed/GTI HOME set-top box;
    3) the swyMed/GTI DOT Telemedicine Backpack;